Better community investment in coordinated school health can help alleviate health disparities in the St. Louis region. Health Equity Works is currently working in two project areas regarding school health.

    Together for Healthy and Successful Schools

    The Healthy Schools Toolkit:

    The Healthy Schools Toolkit now has its own website! Click the button below for more toolkit resources.

    As part of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation’s Together for Healthy and Successful Schools initiative Health Equity Works created a toolkit to help school leaders thoroughly examine the existing people, systems, messages, and policies within their school communities to support the health and well-being of students, staff, and families.


    School-based Health Centers

    Show-Me School-Based Health Alliance of Missouri

    Health Equity Works was instrumental in building partnerships to increase school-based health opportunities in St. Louis. The initiative has grown from a local effort to a statewide alliance that is providing support for school-based health efforts across the state of Missouri.


    A child who can’t see, can’t hear, can’t breathe, hasn’t slept, has been traumatized, or doesn’t know where they are going back home to at night simply does not have the opportunity to learn, unless we help them—none of us would. So before we get to reading, writing, and arithmetic, we have to get to these basic needs of so many of our children.

    – Dr. Jason Purnell, director of Health Equity Works, Brown School