Meet the St. Louis Board of Aldermen presidential candidates

Health Equity Works and the Clark-Fox Policy Institute at Washington University in St. Louis are among numerous sponsors of a live online candidate forum Wednesday, Feb. 13 from 6 to 8 p.m. held in advance of the March primary to elect a president of the St. Louis Board of Aldermen. There are three Democratic challengers vying […]

Presenting a new tool to examine poverty and upward mobility in America

We know that where you live in St. Louis has a considerable influence on health. Children born into low-income areas with fewer resources are expected to have poorer health and live shorter lives than more affluent children in a zip code a few miles away. Now, thanks to a new, sophisticated data tool created by […]

Investing in our children’s futures: hope grows for Child Development Accounts

Research from the Center for Social Development at Washington University suggests nine out of ten parents aspire for their children to go to college regardless of their income, their ethnicity, or where they live. Ask Charlene Jackson of St. Louis. She firmly believes college will one day happen for her two young grandchildren, despite her […]

Two new and notable books on wealth inequality

Evicted: Poverty and Profit in the American City 1st Edition by Matthew Desmond available at WINNER OF THE 2017 PULITZER PRIZE FOR GENERAL NONFICTION From In Evicted, Harvard sociologist and MacArthur “Genius” Matthew Desmond follows eight families in Milwaukee as they struggle to keep a roof over their heads. Hailed as “wrenching and […]

SLPD article on STL city-county divide, by Tony Messenger

Tony Messenger’s April 13, 2017 article, Messenger: Redraw the boundaries so that St. Louis can go all in, addresses the divide between the city and county in St. Louis. Messenger references research outlined in the 2014 For the Sake of All report underscoring the gaps in health outcomes and life expectancy between rich and poor and African American and white […]

Blog Post by Dedrick Asante-Muhammad & Jason Purnell

  A recent blog post by Dedrick Asante-Muhammad, Director of CFED’s Racial Wealth Divide Initiative and Host of the Race and Wealth podcast, and Jason Purnell, Assistant Professor at Washington University’s Brown School, was published in November in The St. Louis American and The Huffington Post. The post discusses the persistent and pervasive problem of […]

“Financial Health is Public Health”: New book features essay by Jason Purnell

The essay can be found in What It’s Worth: Strengthening the Financial Future of Families, Communities and the Nation, a new book on the financial health of our nation published by the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco and the Corporation for Enterprise Development. “In these and many other ways, the inextricable, often stress-laden link between financial […]